A Coach who Led Korea Women`s Handball to the Top of World 한 지도자가 이끈 세계정상의 한국여자핸드볼
임오경OKyeongIm , 하웅용WoongYongHa
52(2) 1-18, 2013
A Coach who Led Korea Women`s Handball to the Top of World 한 지도자가 이끈 세계정상의 한국여자핸드볼
임오경OKyeongIm , 하웅용WoongYongHa
This is a study about the journey of Women`s handball team led head-coach Chung. Modern Korean sport history, it was one of great achievements that Korea Women`s handball got the gold medals in ball events not only once but two consecutive times and silver medal. So This study analyzed the precess of the journey focus on the leadership of coach, the result may be summarized as follow. First, even though there were many difficulties such as denounced by other coaches because of inexperience coach Chung became the victory coach of Olympic Games and World Championships, had made the unprecedented results. Of course, Chung`s leadership is one element of the victory, however, it would not be possibly without hard work and dedication of players and the association. Second, unpopular sports, such as women`s Handball, an Olympic medal was a necessary and sufficient condition for receiving public attention and patronage from the government. Before 1980s, in reality, in terms of strength and skill, the Korean handball team could have not compared powerful European nations. However, Korea women`s handball team had achieved an impossible dreams. Third, based on scientific theory, Chung planned and systematic training methods have made the best team. His training methods could be summarized strengthtraining, composition of teamwork, analysis of opposing team`s skill performance. After all, he made a ``Korean style of handball`` in order to defeat a European power handball team. Finally, a sport, through this paper, the role of leaders know how important it can be. Korea Women`s Handball ball became the top of world and made of a new history of Korea elite sport. This achievement was based. Chung`s indomitable spirit and leadership. After all, I admit that formalizing the leadership of an individual is very difficult to generalize.
Key Words
Life history, sport Leadership, women`s handball, Olympic Games
A Study on the Formation of National Consciousness Son Kee Chung`s 손기정의 민족의식 형성에 관한 연구
손환HwanSon , 하정희JungHeeHa
52(2) 19-28, 2013
A Study on the Formation of National Consciousness Son Kee Chung`s 손기정의 민족의식 형성에 관한 연구
손환HwanSon , 하정희JungHeeHa
This study was designed to determine how Son kee Chung`s national consciousness germinated and formed through the Berlin Olympic Games. It is based primarily on newspapers, magazines, pictures, biographies, and interviews. With a focus on the national consciousness of Son Kee Chung before and after Berlin Olympic Games. I reached this conclusion. The Choseon Government General(조선총독부) decision to suspend Son Kee Chung for applause and cheering event gave crucial momentum to his sense of nationalistic pride. When he saw his national flag, Taegukgi, for the first time, he realized what it meant to be Korean and demonstrated his love of country by Korean signature.
Key Words
son kee chung, national consciousness, berlin olympic games
The Dissemination Process and Activity of Taekwondo in China 태권도의 중국보급 과정과 활동
유혜민HyeMinYoo , 김주연JooYounKim
52(2) 29-39, 2013
The Dissemination Process and Activity of Taekwondo in China 태권도의 중국보급 과정과 활동
유혜민HyeMinYoo , 김주연JooYounKim
This study is to find out the process of launching Taekwondo in China and its activities by looking at its history nd dissemination process. Areas of poor data was supplemented by focusing on the methodology of analyzing documents and the data of oral history statements. The background of launching Taekwondo in China was analysed carefully by interviewing with people related to Taekwondo in China, and Korean Taekwondo leaders and instructors living in China. In particular, China has been proud of their martial arts so that supplementing Taekwondo in China has much significance for Korea. This research could find out the possibility of increasing the number of Taekwondo population by looking at its rapid growth and also the diplomatic policy of supplementing Taekwondo in China. It is important to focus on development of Taekwondo in China and both the interest and the efforts of China and Korea have to be continued to complement the problems.
Key Words
Taekwondo History, Chinese Taekwondo, Taekwondo Diplomatic, Oral History, Korean Taekwondo Instructor
Critical Ethnography: Living as a Female Horseback Riders 비판적 문화기술지: 여성 승마 선수로 살아가기
한슬기SeulKiHan , 이원일WeonIlLee , 여인성InSungYeo
52(2) 41-55, 2013
Critical Ethnography: Living as a Female Horseback Riders 비판적 문화기술지: 여성 승마 선수로 살아가기
한슬기SeulKiHan , 이원일WeonIlLee , 여인성InSungYeo
The purposes of this study were to describe female horseback riders` lived experiences of their life as an athlete within broader socio-political contexts of Korean equestrian community; critique negative consequences of male dominant culture in Korean equestrian community seek for the ways of transforming marginalized and oppressed status of female horseback riders as their emancipation. Critical ethnography was utilized as a methodology. During fieldworks, data were collected through participation observations, field notes, semi-structured one on one interviews, retrospectively recorded conversations, personal narratives. Data were analyzed through the contents analysis method and represented through the creative analytic processes ethnography. Themes were emerged: 1) Genderism, oppression, governance; 2) sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual assault; 3) conformableness or resistance, and discussed within sport feminism theories and Foucault`s notion of governmentality.
Key Words
female horseback riders, sport feminism, critical ethnography
Legal Relationship Studies on Domestic Athletics Copyright 국내 운동경기 저작권에 관한 법률관계 연구
52(2) 57-65, 2013
Legal Relationship Studies on Domestic Athletics Copyright 국내 운동경기 저작권에 관한 법률관계 연구
This study seeks to find measures or resolutions for copyright-related problems which may occur during domestic sports games by examining Korean and foreign cases. First, as there are few legislations and regulations on sports-related copyrights in Korea, we may refer to foreign cases from main foreign countries such as the United States. Practices which have been repeatedly applied in Korea, agreements between hosting parties and their partners, and terms established by sports-related groups can have major effect on sports-related copyrights. Second, selling information obtained from third parties may infringe on the rights of broadcasting right-holder who is reporting live. In these cases, rather than regarding the whole cases equally as copyright infringements, legal actions including claim for damage should be issued when tangible losses are found from the broadcasting right-holder`s party. Third, when one is shooting or reporting photos of a sports player, the portrait right of the player is seen to be limited within the right of legal broadcaster. Therefore, in case of illegal broadcastings, as far as it is translated that the portrait right of a sports player as a public being is limited within a certain range, it is impossible to file a lawsuit based upon sports player`s portrait rights regardless of the category of broadcaster.
Key Words
Legal relation, International sports, athletics Copyright, right of publicity
An Analysis on the Spectator`s Motivation According to the Characteristics of Spectators in Professional Tennis Tournament 프로테니스대회 관람객의 관람참여 특성에 따른 관람동기분석
임새미SaeMiLim , 이근모KeunMoLee
52(2) 67-82, 2013
An Analysis on the Spectator`s Motivation According to the Characteristics of Spectators in Professional Tennis Tournament 프로테니스대회 관람객의 관람참여 특성에 따른 관람동기분석
임새미SaeMiLim , 이근모KeunMoLee
The purpose of this investigation was to assess the spectator`s motivation according to the characteristics of spectators in professional tennis tournament. Three hundred seven subject selection was accomplished by convenience sampling from all spectators at the Hansol Korea Open Tennis Championship in Korea. The method of data analysis for hypothesis testing includes factor analysis, reliability analysis, x2, and one-way ANOVA. The results are as follows; First, in the demographic characteristics based upon gender, males and females showed a significant different characteristics. Second, it was found that there were a significant differences on media involvement and viewing time and based on the demographic haracteristics, the number of participation at domestic open tournaments, and international tournaments. Third, as the result of significant difference in the number of times to watching domestic open tournaments and the international tournaments according to demographic characteristics, both of the numbers of times watching domestic open tournaments and international tournaments proved to have meaningful differences. Fourth, in the consequences of significant difference of spectator`s motivation according to demographic characteristics, media involvement and viewing time, the number of times to watch domestic open tournaments and international tournaments, it was found that there were a significant differences in dramatic situations, escaping from daily lives, a sense of fulfillment, attachment for players and tennis, families and knowledge based upon media involvement.
Key Words
professional tennis tournament, spectators, participation motivation
Exploration of Male Weight Class Athletes` Experiences of Eating Disorder 남성 체급운동선수의 섭식장애 경험 탐색
서금란GeumRanSeo , 권순용SunYongKwon
52(2) 83-94, 2013
Exploration of Male Weight Class Athletes` Experiences of Eating Disorder 남성 체급운동선수의 섭식장애 경험 탐색
서금란GeumRanSeo , 권순용SunYongKwon
The purpose of this study was to make an in-depth analysis of the types of eating disorder, the start of eating disorder, and continuance process of eating disorder in male weight class athletes. A total of 7 athletes with eating disorder experiences in boxing, taekwondo, wrestling, and judo agreed to participate in this study. Data was collected through in-depth interviews. Data analyses informed the following results. First, eating disorder occurred in the forms of frequent diet restrictions, binges, vomits, and the use of diuretics. Second, Male athletes` eating disorder experiences initiated with choosing an easier way of losing weight, pressure to acquire the weight qualification to be eligible in tournaments, and the influence of peer athletes. Furthermore, it was found that the eating disorder experiences became fixed due to the familiarity of the weight class determination system and weight loss methods from middle and high school period to university.
Key Words
eating disorder experiences, types of eating disorder, male weight-class athletes
The Effect of Exercise Participation on the Psychological Well-Being, College Life Satisfaction, and Happiness Index of College Students 대학생들의 운동참여가 심리적 안녕감, 대학생활만족, 행복지수에 미치는 영향
이계윤KyeYunLee , 송현종HyunJongSong
52(2) 95-105, 2013
The Effect of Exercise Participation on the Psychological Well-Being, College Life Satisfaction, and Happiness Index of College Students 대학생들의 운동참여가 심리적 안녕감, 대학생활만족, 행복지수에 미치는 영향
이계윤KyeYunLee , 송현종HyunJongSong
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of exercise participation consisting of frequency, intensity, and duration on the psychological well-being, college life satisfaction, and happiness index of college students. Three questionnaires (psychological well-being, satisfaction of college life, and index of happiness) were asked to 361 college students (198 males and 163 females). Collected data were analyzed by MANOVA and multiple regression analysis. The results were as follows: Firstly, there was no gender difference in psychological well-being, satisfaction of college life, and the index of happiness. Secondly, the duration of participation gave a significant effect on psychological well-being, satisfaction of college life, and the index of happiness but the intensity and frequency did not. Thirdly, there were inconsistency between the effect of psychological well-being on satisfaction of college life and the index of happiness and the effect of satisfaction of college life on the index of happiness.
Key Words
Psychological Well-Being, Satisfaction of College Life, Index of Happiness
The Moderating Effects of Attitude toward Physical Education in the Relationship between Sport Star Images and Middle School Students` Physical Activity 스포츠 스타 이미지와 중학생의 신체활동량 간의 관계에서 체육태도의 조절효과
정재연JaeYeonChung , 정주혁JooHyugJung , 박중길JungGilPark
52(2) 107-116, 2013
The Moderating Effects of Attitude toward Physical Education in the Relationship between Sport Star Images and Middle School Students` Physical Activity 스포츠 스타 이미지와 중학생의 신체활동량 간의 관계에서 체육태도의 조절효과
정재연JaeYeonChung , 정주혁JooHyugJung , 박중길JungGilPark
The main purpose of this study was investigate the moderating effects of attitude toward physical education perceived by sports star images in the relationship between images of sport stars and after-school physical activity among middle school students. Participants were 736 male and female middle school students (331 females, 405 males). For data, descriptive statistics, one-way MANOVA, correlation, and moderated regression analysis were conducted. Results of one-way MANOVA indicated that male students showed a higher scores in sports star images and attitudes toward physical education than those of female students. Results of moderated regression analysis revealed the external images of sports stars perceived by students were strongly related with the levels of physical activity after-school, when their attitude toward physical education was high. In conclusion, these findings suggest that middle school students` positive attitude toward physical education and sports star images contribute to enhance the level of physical activity.
Key Words
school physical education, intrinsic motivation, sports star images, attitude toward physical education, physical activity
The Structural Relationship of Basic Psychological Needs and Sports Emotion and Self-Management of High School Athletes 고등학교 운동선수의 기본 심리적 욕구에 따른 스포츠 정서 및 자기관리의 구조적 관계
정용민YongMinChung , 정상훈SangHoonJeong
52(2) 117-126, 2013
The Structural Relationship of Basic Psychological Needs and Sports Emotion and Self-Management of High School Athletes 고등학교 운동선수의 기본 심리적 욕구에 따른 스포츠 정서 및 자기관리의 구조적 관계
정용민YongMinChung , 정상훈SangHoonJeong
The purpose of this study was to investigate structural relationship of basic psychological needs and sports emotion and self-management of athletes. To achieve this goal, highschool athletes in Busan were chosen as the population and for sampling, the data were collected from 395 participants, using purposeful sampling. Questionnaires for this study used modify and supplement that basic psychological needs scale, sports emotion scale, self-management scale. As a data analysis method for the examination of hypothesis, research confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and structural equation model analysis were conducted that it through the modified model showed a high goodness of fit. The major results are as follows: First, it showed that basic psychological needs have a positive effect on positive emotion. Second, it showed that basic psychological needs have a negative effect on negative emotion. Third, it showed that sports emotion effect on self-management. Fourth, it showed that basic psychological needs have a positive effect on at self-management. In conclusion, basic psychological needs and sports emotion were identified important psychological factors effect on self-management in various exercise situation.
Key Words
high school athletes, basic psychological needs, sports emotion, self-management
Analysis of Psychological Effects on Green Exercise: Effects on Attention and Mood States Green Exercise의 심리적 효과분석: 주의력과 기분상태에 미치는 영향
장세용SeYongJang , 김승철SeungChulKim
52(2) 127-138, 2013
Analysis of Psychological Effects on Green Exercise: Effects on Attention and Mood States Green Exercise의 심리적 효과분석: 주의력과 기분상태에 미치는 영향
장세용SeYongJang , 김승철SeungChulKim
The purpose of this study is to examine if Green Exercise, exercising in the wood or in the natural environment, such as parks, has effect on cognitive abilities and mood states. Divided into outdoor exercise(n=14) and indoor exercise(n=14) groups, 28 college students(24 men, 4 women) were measured on pre and post program of aerobic exercise on cognitive abilities(Trail B), Profile of mood states(POMS), and Rating of perceived exertion. To ensure the reliability of the experimental results, repeating the experiment was carried out after two weeks with reversed group of people. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, Green Exercise appeared more effective on improving the cognitive abilities compared to indoor exercise. Second, both first and second experiments show that the Green Exercise has a positive effect on mood state, consists of six-factors including anxiety, depression, anger, vigor, fatigue, confusion, compared to indoor exercise, Third, although the intensity of the training was the same for primary and secondary experiments, the Green Exercise group recognized the intensity of the training lower than the indoor group. These results determine that the experience in the natural environment, light, sound, air as well as the result of the interaction of a variety of physical environments that are obtained from plants such as trees, becomes an additional factor that can improve the quality of the exercise, and shows that converging the natural environment to the exercise can be effective.
Key Words
Green Exercise, Trail B, POMS, RPE
The Influence of Stress on Shooting Performance and Cortico-cortical Communication: An EEG Coherence Analysis 스트레스가 사격선수들의 사격수행과 뇌 영역 간 의사소통에 미치는 영향: 뇌파 코히어런스 분석
우민정MinJungWoo , 이건영GunYoungLee
52(2) 139-149, 2013
The Influence of Stress on Shooting Performance and Cortico-cortical Communication: An EEG Coherence Analysis 스트레스가 사격선수들의 사격수행과 뇌 영역 간 의사소통에 미치는 영향: 뇌파 코히어런스 분석
우민정MinJungWoo , 이건영GunYoungLee
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of stress on the relationship between shooting performance and cortico-cortical communication. Participants were 16 high school 10m air pistol athletes whose mean age of 17.8 yrs (M=8, F=8). They were asked to execute shooting under two kinds of conditions, practice shooting without stress and actual shooting with stress induced by momentary compensation along with qualifying for the national shooting competition. In both conditions, competitiveness, stress, confidence and relaxation were measured and cortical activity was recorded for analysis of cortico-cortical communication. The result was that stress increased competitiveness and stress, and decreased confidence. However, there was no significant difference in shooting score between both conditions. As the result of coherence analysis, stress reduces neural efficiency by decreasing communication between Cz and T4, and increasing communication between Cz and T3. The lack of difference in shooting performance between conditions may result from failure to induce stress enough to deteriorate performance.
Effect of Social Physique Anxiety on Participation Motivation and Exercise Adherence Intention in University`s General Physical Education Class Students 교양체육에 참여하는 대학생들의 사회체형불안이 참여동기와 운동지속의도에 미치는 영향
Effect of Social Physique Anxiety on Participation Motivation and Exercise Adherence Intention in University`s General Physical Education Class Students 교양체육에 참여하는 대학생들의 사회체형불안이 참여동기와 운동지속의도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship among social physique anxiety, sport participation motivation and exercise adherence intention. A total of 476 students who participated in university`s general physical education program were administered to a questionnaire survey. The tools used for the survey were the social physique anxiety scale, the sport participation motivation scale and the exercise adherence intention scale. In this research, the difference analysis were processed through t-test and ONE-way ANOVA, and also stepwise multiple regression analysis was processed for analyzing the relation of cause and effect among factors. These were conclusions from this study. First, there was statistical difference except some factors in social physique anxiety, sport participation motivation and exercise adherence intention according to personal characteristic such as gender, grade, participation level, participation sports. Second, All factors showed positive relation except the negative physique evaluation factor and a motivation factor. Negative physique evaluation factor and a motivation factor showed negative relation with all other factors. On the other hand, negative physique evaluation factor and a motivation factor showed positive relation each other. Third, physique presentational satisfaction of social physique anxiety affected sport participation motivation and exercise adherence intention positively, and negative physique evaluation affected sport participation motivation and exercise adherence intention negatively. Forth, intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation of sport participation motivation affected exercise adherence intention positively, and a motivation affected exercise adherence intention negatively.
Key Words
social physique anxiety, sport participation motivation, exercise adherence intention
Korea`s Another Source of Power in Golf, "Golf Daddy" 한국골프의 또 다른 원동력, "골프 대디"
김홍기HongGiKim , 김한별HanByulKim
52(2) 165-176, 2013
Korea`s Another Source of Power in Golf, "Golf Daddy" 한국골프의 또 다른 원동력, "골프 대디"
김홍기HongGiKim , 김한별HanByulKim
The purpose of this study was to find out the variety of effects on the athletic performance of Korean golfers when their parents are helping them as caddies. To achieve the goal and obtain transparent data, the researcher and assistants have invited five golfers and their parents as the participants of this study and have conducted in-depth interviews. They responded with four roles of a caddy including physical, technical, psychological and living aspect. Based on the responses, there were several expert meetings among with three golf experts, two sport psychologists, and the researcher regarding on the inductive content analysis. As a result, golfers receive a great amount of psychological and living support from their caddies who are their respectful parents and rookie players are more affected by the support. Specifically, the psychological support brings about not only positive effects but also negative effects on the golfers` performance. On the other hand, house/local caddies are more helpful than parent-caddies on the physical and technical aspects. The result of this study could work as preliminary data in future studies when the main theme involves with parent`s roles or parent`s support effecting on the golfers` athletic performance. Futhermore, it would also be very valuable for golfers, caddies, coaches and even for parents who have golfers as their beloved children.
Key Words
golf daddy, caddy, in-depth interview, qualitative research
An Exploration of Understanding, Problems and Improvement on "Free Time" in Secondly Physical Education Classes 중등 체육수업에서 "자유 시간"에 관한 이해 및 문제와 개선 방안 탐색
52(2) 177-192, 2013
An Exploration of Understanding, Problems and Improvement on "Free Time" in Secondly Physical Education Classes 중등 체육수업에서 "자유 시간"에 관한 이해 및 문제와 개선 방안 탐색
The purpose of this study is to explore the problems and find out how to improve the quality of ``free time`` in physical education classes. For the research, the author selected six physical training teachers and five high school students as subjects and observed their physical education classes and then performed in-depth interviews and collected all related data. The data was then analyzed using the inductive categorical system through transcription, coding, and theme formation. Triangulation, peer debriefing, and member check were also implemented to enhance the veracity of the data collection. According to the findings of this research, ``free time`` was stated to be the gap between the national-level curriculum and the actual physical education at schools which in turn, is considered to have a gap between the ideal and reality. ``Free time`` and ``autonomous physical education classes`` were also evident in physical education classes correlating to the minimal principle of responsibility and duty. Education subjects said that they have limited experiences in depth and width regarding ``free time``. This research suggests improvement method concerning the problems in the view of teachers, teaching method, and curriculum.
Key Words
Physical education class, Free time, Autonomous physical education time
A Case Study on Morning Exercises Conducted for Three Years in Science High School 과학고등학교에서 시행한 아침운동 3년에 관한 사례연구
52(2) 193-204, 2013
A Case Study on Morning Exercises Conducted for Three Years in Science High School 과학고등학교에서 시행한 아침운동 3년에 관한 사례연구
This is a case study on the impact of morning exercises that were implemented in a science high school for three years. The purpose of this study is to confirm the meaning and value of a P.E. by demonstrating the positive changes of morning exercises on high school students. The school, a science high school located in the U city, Gyeonggi province, managed morning exercise classes from 2010 to 2012. In order to confirm the effects of morning exercises, the following data were collected : students`physical ability test results, changes in physical self-concept, university entrance examination results, students`essays about morning exercises, and interviews with admission officers. The results are as follows. First, the students`fitness grades rose very much after the morning exercise classes. Secondly, students`physical self-concepts improved significantly. Thirdly, morning exercise proved to have a positive effect on entering college. Finally, awareness of students who engaged in morning exercises showed a positive change.
Key Words
case study, morning exercise, meaning and value P.E
The Significance of Archery Education in Mengja 「맹자(孟子)」에서 살펴본 궁도교육의 의의
52(2) 105-113, 2013
The Significance of Archery Education in Mengja 「맹자(孟子)」에서 살펴본 궁도교육의 의의
The study is to inquire into the significance of archery education and into the sports education in Mengja in which the great Confucian scholar Mengja`s thoughts are recorded. In Mengja, archery was valued highly from the aspect of education. Taking the archery education for example, Mengja explained a way of education to liberate human being, who has originally a good moral ego, out of passions and to complete the liberation. His explanation was about an education way thousands of years ago. However, we can`t overlook his explanation in the sports education today because it has a meaningful educational value and moral lessons. The educational value of the archery education, which was highly praised in the East in ancient times, is still valid today. The ancient archery which was existed in the form of whole-person education gives us ``introspection`` personally, and a respectful mind for other people`s personality in a group instruction in today`s archery education. Therefore, it is possible to say that the archery education in Mengja, one of the classics of the East, still has an educational significance. In short, the archery is expected to be made use of in the field of school education today, and also to make positive changes in sports education.
Key Words
Mengja, 맹자, 孟子, Archery, physical education
Exploration on a Meaning of Motor Skill Learning and an Educational Way for P.E. Class in the Perspective of Neuroscience 뇌과학적 관점에서 바라본 운동기술 학습의 의미 및 체육 수업방안 탐색
이규일GyuIlLee , 이병준ByungJoonLee
52(2) 215-233, 2013
Exploration on a Meaning of Motor Skill Learning and an Educational Way for P.E. Class in the Perspective of Neuroscience 뇌과학적 관점에서 바라본 운동기술 학습의 의미 및 체육 수업방안 탐색
이규일GyuIlLee , 이병준ByungJoonLee
Lately, motor skill learning has been re-conceptualized. Evolutionary psychologist reported that the learning contribute on evolution of human brain, also neuroscientist found that the learning develped a funtional mechanism of brain. That is, motor skill learning had properties on brain-friendly. Therefore, in the domain of physical education had to discuss new meanings and educational ways of motor skill learning with an educational perspective. In this study, we reviewed researches about motor skill learning conducted with a neuroscientific perspective, proposed new educational possibilities and ways of motor skill learning. The result was as followings. In 2 chapter, we presented brain structure of motor skill performance or learning, in 3 chapter, a mechanism of motor skill memory(encoding, consolidation, retrieval). And, in 4 chapter, we examined closely the learning strategies to contribute on efficiency of motor skill learning as practical structure, verbal-overshadowing effect, and resting effect. Lastly, we suggested educational meanings and teaching strategies of motor skill learning.
Key Words
motor skill Learning, neuroscience, physical education, motor skill memory, brain mechanism of motor skill Learning
The Challenge of the 12th Big Light: Case Study of Class-Culture in Heemang Elementary School 큰 빛 12기의 도전: 희망 초등학교 큰 빛 12기의 학급문화에 관한 사례연구
This study is intended to suggest a desirable class-culture and to prove this problem, we observe a elementary class to 4 months by qualitative research methods which take shape a intrinsic class-culture autonomically through specialized educational activities and educational physical activity. The result is as follows. First, the class-culture shows inner-culture, athletic-culture, and external-culture, and ``daily physical activity(Tee-ball)`` was the core of class-culture. Second, a close faith among main agents of education and especially, continuous communication has supported form a rapport. In this result, we look into education effect of daily physical education and interaction of main agent of education and lastly, we suggested a development project of daily physical education program for education ideal.
Key Words
daily physical education, class-culture
Crisis in Qualitative Research and New Paradigm of Qualitative Research in Kinesiology 체육학 질적연구의 다원주의적 접근 모색
김경오KyungOKim , 이규일GyuIlLee
52(2) 251-264, 2013
Crisis in Qualitative Research and New Paradigm of Qualitative Research in Kinesiology 체육학 질적연구의 다원주의적 접근 모색
김경오KyungOKim , 이규일GyuIlLee
Qualitative research encounter three crisis situations. Both North American qualitative researchers and Kinesiologists attempt to apply pluralistic approaches to overcome these crisis situations. The present study first attempted to take in a situation of the qualitative research in the Kinesiology in Korea. Second, this study attempted to understand the exertion of alternative approaches in the qualitative research and to examine the pluralistic approaches as an alternative way of the qualitative study in the Kinesiology. The pluralistic approach may be definitized by use of the social-ecological model, accelerometer, and photovoice method. Finally, we suggested both phenomenon and evidence-based qualitative research as future tasks for the qualitative research in the field of Kinesiology. These alternative research methods may provide ``new spectrum`` for Korean Kinesiologists and ``practical technique`` for the pluralistic research which can properly represent ``phenomenon`` in the field of Kinesiology and allow both researchers and research participants ``practical approaches`.
The Effects of Sports Advertisement Type on Advertisement Attitudes and The Influences of Attitudes on Advertisement Effectiveness 스포츠 후원기업의 광고유형에 따른 광고태도가 광고효과에 미치는 영향
박상현SangHyunPark , 원도연DoYeonWon , 조광민KwangMinCho
52(2) 265-284, 2013
The Effects of Sports Advertisement Type on Advertisement Attitudes and The Influences of Attitudes on Advertisement Effectiveness 스포츠 후원기업의 광고유형에 따른 광고태도가 광고효과에 미치는 영향
박상현SangHyunPark , 원도연DoYeonWon , 조광민KwangMinCho
The purpose of this study was to analyze the difference of advertisement type on advertisement attitude and investigated the effectiveness of corporation sponsoring sports. Samples were extracted by judgement sampling method and total 527 data were used for the analysis. In data processing, via SPSS 18.0 version for Window and AMOS 7.0 program, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation model, and multi-group analysis were conducted. The results were as following. First, in case of positive corporation, advertisement attitude using emotional appeal type was higher than rational appeal type. Also, the advertisement exposed humane purpose and emotional appeal type had the highest advertisement attitude. Second, in case of negative corporation, advertisement attitude using humane purpose was higher than commercial purpose. Also, the advertisement exposed humane purpose and emotional appeal type had the highest advertisement attitude. Third, advertisement attitude affected favorability, purchase intention, brand attitude, and corporate image improvement. Fourth, the path of advertisement attitude and purchase intention had difference between positive corporation and negative corporation.
Comparison on The Relationship between Athletes` Endorsement Attributes and Brand Equity from Korea and China Consumers 한국과 중국의 스포츠 스타 광고모델 속성과 브랜드 자산과의 관련성 비교
원춘림ChunLinYuan , 백승엽SeungYupBaek
52(2) 285-298, 2013
Comparison on The Relationship between Athletes` Endorsement Attributes and Brand Equity from Korea and China Consumers 한국과 중국의 스포츠 스타 광고모델 속성과 브랜드 자산과의 관련성 비교
원춘림ChunLinYuan , 백승엽SeungYupBaek
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between athletes` endorsement attributes and brand equity from Korea and China consumers. For completion of this study, 454 college students from Korea and China participated in this study and conducted questionnaires. All data were analyzed by using SPSS Ver 20.0 and AMOS 20.0 program to identify the relationship between athletes` endorsement attributes and brand equity. The results were followings; First, Korea athletes` endorsement attributes influenced the perceived quality, brand awareness, and brand association whereas China athletes` endorsement attributes did not influence the perceived quality, brand awareness and brand association. Second, brand awareness from Korea and China athletes` endorsement attributes influenced the perceived quality, brand awareness, and brand loyalty. Third, the perceived quality from Korea and China athletes` endorsement attributes influenced the brand association and brand loyalty. Fourth, the brand association from Korea and China athletes` endorsement attributes influenced the brand loyalty.
Innovation Adoption and Diffusion in Major League Baseball: A Case of Stadium Construction MLB 구단의 혁신 채택 및 확산: 야구장 건설 사례
52(2) 299-311, 2013
Innovation Adoption and Diffusion in Major League Baseball: A Case of Stadium Construction MLB 구단의 혁신 채택 및 확산: 야구장 건설 사례
The purpose of the study was to identify and empirically test the determinants influencing the construction of MLB stadiums from teams` perspective based on Rogers` innovation diffusion theory and Kimberly and Evanisko`s empirical model. Put simply, what factors drive MLB teams to adopt stadium constriction? The sampling frame for the study included 23 MLB teams franchised in the United States. The timeframe for analysis was the period 1989 through 2010. The reason for the selected timeframe was that the Baltimore Orioles` Camden Yards has been evaluated as the start of the current era of professional sport facility construction in terms of its innovative design and great success. Event history analysis was performed to test the significance of the determinant factors influencing the adoption of stadium construction. The results showed that teams` attendance percentage, competition with other leagues, and city`s income variables were statistically significant but the length of owner`s job tenure, league competition, and stadium age variables were not. Of the significant variables, the effect of network externality was the strongest variable influencing the adoption of stadium construction.
Key Words
MLB, stadium, innovation, adoption, diffusion, event history analysis
The Effect of CSR of a Professional Sports Team on Team Image: The Moderating Role of CSR Fit and Team Identification 프로스포츠 구단의 사회적책임(CSR) 활동이 구단이미지에 미치는 영향: CSR적합성 및 팀동일시의 조절효과
노승찬SeungChanNoh , 한진욱JinWookHan , 권형일HyungIlKwon
52(2) 313-326, 2013
The Effect of CSR of a Professional Sports Team on Team Image: The Moderating Role of CSR Fit and Team Identification 프로스포츠 구단의 사회적책임(CSR) 활동이 구단이미지에 미치는 영향: CSR적합성 및 팀동일시의 조절효과
노승찬SeungChanNoh , 한진욱JinWookHan , 권형일HyungIlKwon
The purpose of this study was to determine a moderating effect of CSR fit and team identification in the relation between the CSR of a professional sports team and team image. A total of 310 spectators attending a professional soccer game held in the Suwon Worldcup Stadium on October, 2012 was conveniently selected and responded to the survey questionnaire. 277 usable questionnaires were finally utilized to data analyses. Data analyses included frequency analysis, descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, simple regression analysis, and moderated multiple regression analysis with PASW 18.0. The results of this study indicated that 1) CSR of the professional sports team had a significant influence on team image, 2) there was no moderating role of CSR fit in the relation between CSR and team image, and 3) team identification had a moderating effect between CSR and team image. Additional implications and directions for future research opportunities were discussed and suggested.
Key Words
Corporate Social Responsibility, Team Image, CSR fit, Team Identification
The Study of Japan Professional baseball teams Web-site Analysis and Implementation for Benchmarking 벤치마킹을 위한 일본프로야구단 웹사이트 분석 및 활용방안 조사연구
52(2) 327-342, 2013
The Study of Japan Professional baseball teams Web-site Analysis and Implementation for Benchmarking 벤치마킹을 위한 일본프로야구단 웹사이트 분석 및 활용방안 조사연구
This study aims to find information and marketing activities provided at the web-sites of Japanese professional baseball team and to identify the area we can benchmark for construction and operation of web-site of domestic professional baseball team. To accomplish such purpose, I analyzed web-sites of 12 Japanese clubs and 8 Korean clubs based on the analysis paper that consists of 6 functional aspects. As a result, in Japan, Yomiuri Giants and Sofrbank Hawks were found to provide the most information and in Korea, Kia Tigers was found to provide the most information. Diversification of member system, diversification of ticket sales, convenience of ticket booking, provision of detailed information on second squad, supply of concrete activities on community and social contribution activities, operation of independent shopping mall and unification of web-site items were found to be the area that can be benchmarked in Korea.
Key Words
Japan professional baseball, web-site analysis, benchmarking
The Exploration of Endorsement Effectiveness from Players` Point of View 선수입장에서 본 인도스먼트의 효율성 탐색
홍석표SeokPyoHong , 손승범SeungBumSon
52(2) 343-355, 2013
The Exploration of Endorsement Effectiveness from Players` Point of View 선수입장에서 본 인도스먼트의 효율성 탐색
홍석표SeokPyoHong , 손승범SeungBumSon
The purpose of this study was to explore endorsement effectiveness from players` point of view. To achieve this goal, current endorsement situations of Korean female golfers were investigated through literature review and in-depth interview was conducted with Korean representative golfers about their opinions for endorsement. The finding of this study were as follows. First, it should be considered a short game of elements such as putting, green in regulation, and number of top 10 finish of targeted players for endorsement. Second, endorsement contributes players` tour expenses. It means that players put importance on the partnership between company and player. Third, the appropriate time for an endorsement is after players adapted in domestic tours and foreign professional tours. It would be also appropriate if a company endorses player who has a high possibility in future rather than player who already in top position. 3 years contract period and incentive payments based on the player`s performance will be reduced the strain of both company and the player. Fourth, when deciding endorser, player`s appearance and eloquent speech ability should be considered. In addition, if endorsee provides in-kind and emotional supports such as player`s expenses and additional personnels for training, and considerateness for waiting of good result, it can be make win-win effect for both endorsee and endorser. In conclusion, the effectiveness of endorsement could be increased if endorsee reflects endorser`s opinions who have many experiences in endorsement.
Role of the Marine Corps Military Education and Training for Sports for all Navigation 해병대 군사교육훈련에 대한 사회체육의 역할 탐색
52(2) 357-368, 2013
Role of the Marine Corps Military Education and Training for Sports for all Navigation 해병대 군사교육훈련에 대한 사회체육의 역할 탐색
The purpose of this study the role of Marine Corps Military Education and Training Physical Society, Association of diving instructor personnel through the instructor training courses explore the potential for linkages to. Social Physical Education program in conjunction with the military training mission to acquire by private associations or organizations Rai sans the navigation Military Power and the Soldiers of the role of the lifeblood of the military life, and to return to the public at the time of employment, and social and leisure sports utilizing side navigation investigated. The results of the present study is the process by considering the temporality dimension of private educational hands-on experience as a military instructor personnel stages, the initial stages of the instructor training course, the adaptation step, reflection and preliminary experienced instructor by the time you want to capture the major topics. Instructor Training Course Instructor Training courses in the early stages of preparation, private organizations and groups identified, as was the role of the instructor as the instructor. Is a member of the Association of the dive instructor is trying to trust and reflection step as a military training instructor trainees.
Key Words
marine corps, sports for all, military training
The Relationship between Perceived Playfulness of Saturday Sports Day and Behavioral Intention: Moderator Effect of Interpersonal Constraints 「토요스포츠데이」의 지각된 놀이성과 행동의도 간의 관계: 대인적 여가제약 조절효과 중심으로
The Relationship between Perceived Playfulness of Saturday Sports Day and Behavioral Intention: Moderator Effect of Interpersonal Constraints 「토요스포츠데이」의 지각된 놀이성과 행동의도 간의 관계: 대인적 여가제약 조절효과 중심으로
This study examined behavioral intention of the participants in the ``Saturday Sports Day`` with particular focus on their perceived playfulness and interpersonal leisure constraints. Participants were 216 students from four schools in A region. Data were analyzed by multiple-group analysis using AMOS 18.0(p<.05). Findings revealed that perceived playfulness of ``Saturday Sports Day`` had meaningful influence to behavioral intention. Furthermore, moderator effects of interpersonal constraints were influential in the relationship between perceived playfulness and behavioral intention. More specifically, a group perceived high interpersonal leisure constraints had stronger behavioral intention than counterpart.
A Study on The Effect of Smart Phone Fitness Application(App)`s Service Quality on Satisfaction after use, Trust, Immersion and Willingness to Continue to Use 스마트폰 피트니스 애플리케이션(App)의 서비스 품질이 이용만족, 신뢰, 몰입 및 지속적 이용의도에 미치는 영향
이미연MiYeoLee , 강지현JiHyunKang , 전익기IkKiJeon
52(2) 379-396, 2013
A Study on The Effect of Smart Phone Fitness Application(App)`s Service Quality on Satisfaction after use, Trust, Immersion and Willingness to Continue to Use 스마트폰 피트니스 애플리케이션(App)의 서비스 품질이 이용만족, 신뢰, 몰입 및 지속적 이용의도에 미치는 영향
이미연MiYeoLee , 강지현JiHyunKang , 전익기IkKiJeon
The purpose of this research is to verify the structural correlation concerning the effect of smart phone fitness application`s service quality on the satisfaction after use, trust, immersion and willingness to continue to use. For the purpose, research was conducted targeting 365 fitness application users, and structure model analysis was conducted for data analysis. The following findings were identified. First, there was a positive (+) correlation between smart phone fitness application service quality and satisfaction after use. Second, there was a positive (+) correlation between the satisfaction after use formed after using the fitness application`s service and trust. Third, there was a positive (+) correlation between fitness application user`s satisfaction and immersion. Fourth, there was a positive (+) correlation between fitness application satisfaction after use and willingness to continue to use. Fifth, there was a positive (+) correlation between fitness application user`s trust and immersion. Sixth, positive (+) correlation was manifested between fitness application user`s trust and willingness to continue to use. Lastly, fitness application user`s immersion and willingness to continue to use manifested positive (+) correlation.
Key Words
fitness application, service quality, satisfaction after use, trust, immersion, willingness to continue to use
Effects of Team Cohesion and Team Performance on Communication Satisfaction of Community Baseball Club Members 사회인 야구팀 성원 간 커뮤니케이션 만족이 팀 응집력 및 팀 성과에 미치는 영향
안지혁JiHyukAhn , 권민혁MinHyukKwon
52(2) 397-410, 2013
Effects of Team Cohesion and Team Performance on Communication Satisfaction of Community Baseball Club Members 사회인 야구팀 성원 간 커뮤니케이션 만족이 팀 응집력 및 팀 성과에 미치는 영향
안지혁JiHyukAhn , 권민혁MinHyukKwon
The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between team cohesion, team performance and the communication satisfaction of community baseball club members. For this, five hundred players were recruited from five active leagues in Seoul and Gyeonggi. Participants were collected from ten teams per league, a total of fifty teams, through convenience sampling and five hundred subjects were extracted to analyze. The path analysis based on multiple regression analysis was used. The results showed as follows; First, it is found that communication satisfaction among team players has an influence on team cohesion. Secondly, team performance was shown as significantly influenced by communication satisfaction among community baseball club members. Third, team cohesion of community baseball club members represents an influence on team performance. Lastly, the research showed that there is the causal relationship between environmental communication satisfaction baseball club members and team cohesion as well as team performance. Therefore, it is found that team cohesion is an important parameter which enhances the relation between environmental communication satisfaction and team performance.
Key Words
Communication Satisfaction, Team Cohesion, Team Performance
The Structural Equation Model Analysis among Serious Leisure, Leisure Flow and Happiness 진지한 여가, 여가몰입, 행복감의 구조모형분석
52(2) 411-420, 2013
The Structural Equation Model Analysis among Serious Leisure, Leisure Flow and Happiness 진지한 여가, 여가몰입, 행복감의 구조모형분석
The Purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among serious leisure, leisure flow and happiness of leisure activity participant at urban park. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, total 490 leisure activity participants data were collected. For data analysis, frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis were conducted by using both SPSS 18.0 and Amos 7.0. The result acquired fit from purposive selection for this surveys validity check and reliability on questionnaire of measurement variables as well showed fit level. The findings from structural equation model analysis are as follows; First, the suggested study model is fit to the study because the test result met the standard of fit level. Second, hypothesis 1 and 2 were selected because the test result from relationship analysis among serious leisure, leisure flow and happiness showed significant effect on serious leisure, leisure flow and happiness. On the other hand, hypothesis 3 was denied because the result showed no significant effect on serious leisure and happiness. The result showed that leisure influenced on happiness indirectly thorough leisure flow rather than influence directly. As a result, leisure flow xperience through serious leisure is the key deciding factor of happiness.
Key Words
serious Leisure, Leisure flow, happiness
The Relationship between Leisure Constraints and Leisure Satisfaction to Leisure Participation on Korean Cancer Patients 암환자의 여가활동 실태와 여가제약 및 만족의 관계
Leisure participation is important for people to enjoy good quality of life. Diseases such as cancer would impact people`s leisure participation. However, the leisure participation pattern, leisure constraints or satisfaction have not been studied in cancer patients. Therefore, the purpose of the current study is to investigate the pattern of leisure participation and the association between leisure constrain and leisure satisfaction in cancer patients. For the current study, 200 cancer patients who visited the university affiliated S hospital for their treatment or regular check up were interviewed. The results of the study are as follows: First, cancer patients in our study participated in outdoor activities, watching movies or musicals, and other social activities. The main purpose for leisure participation was for enjoyment, stress relief as well as health improvement. Second, the leisure participation pattern was distinctive from non cancer population in week days and weekend. Third, cancer patients pursue emotional stability and physical health through leisure participation despite of their lack of fitness and other barriers for them to participate in leisure activities. Fourth, multiple regression analyses showed leisure constraint was associated with their psychological, social and physiological satisfaction. In summary, the current study showed cancer patients still participate in leisure activities and positively value the benefit of leisure participation in the presence of leisure constrains.
Key Words
Leisure participation, cancer patients, Leisure constraints, Leisure satisfaction
The Relationship between Bicycle Club Member`s Recreation Specialization, Organization Identification and Organization Commitment 자전거 동호인의 레크리에이션 전문화와 조직동일시 및 조직몰입의 관계
52(2) 432-445, 2013
The Relationship between Bicycle Club Member`s Recreation Specialization, Organization Identification and Organization Commitment 자전거 동호인의 레크리에이션 전문화와 조직동일시 및 조직몰입의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between bicycle club member`s recreation specialization, organization identification and organization commitment. A total of 265 respondents were selected using the purposive sampling method. The collected data was analysed by SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 Window programs for statistical analysis. From the statistical analyses, three meaningful results were extracted. First, bicycle club member`s recreation specialization partially had positive or negative effects on organization identification. Second, bicycle club member`s recreation specialization and organization identification partially had positive or negative effects on organizational commitment. Third, organization identification mediated between recreation specialization and organization commitment positively or negatively. As a result, it is possible to suggest that recreation specialization influence organization identification and organizational commitment positively or negatively. The results of this study are needed to apply to recreational fields as to recreation specialization sub-factors respectively.
Key Words
recreation specialization, organization identification, organization commitment, bicycle club member
A Study on the Effects of Task Presentation Conditions on Students` Performance in Korean Traditional Dance 과제제시의 특성이 한국무용의 동작학습에 미치는 영향
52(2) 447-457, 2013
A Study on the Effects of Task Presentation Conditions on Students` Performance in Korean Traditional Dance 과제제시의 특성이 한국무용의 동작학습에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of three different conditions of task presentation upon students` initial attempts to perform the jangeonkeoleumsawi. One hundred three (male=52, female=51) 8th grade high school students in S city in Kyonggi Province was used for the subjects. All students signed consent forms for the participation. The three task presentation conditions were full demonstrations only, overload verbal explanation with partial demonstration, and succinct verbal explanation with repeated full demonstration, summary cues, and verbal/visual rehearsal. The dependent variables were students` scores on measures of 1) use of appropriate movement process characteristics(i.e., form), 2) remembered information on movement process characteristics. After watching the assigned experimental condition, each subject was videotaped making 5 trials and was interviewed afterwards. Results from analysis of students` movement process characteristics, as well as interviews, indicated that the experimental condition of a summary cues group resulted in the best student performance on each of the two dependent measures. No significant statistical effect was found for gender. The results of the study offered various suggestions and implications for the research and practice in dance education.
Key Words
dance, task presentation, performance achievement
Sociological Phenomenon Consideration of Dance`s Deviant 사회학적 현상에서 무용일탈 분석
차은주EunJooCha , 김영재YoungJaeKim
52(2) 459-470, 2013
Sociological Phenomenon Consideration of Dance`s Deviant 사회학적 현상에서 무용일탈 분석
차은주EunJooCha , 김영재YoungJaeKim
This study aims to consider dance`s deviant concepts and types. Dance`s deviant types were first reviewed, based on literatures and previous researches to propose its deviant concepts. As the result, it was found that dance`s deviance was divided into negative deviance and positive deviance. Mainly, negative deviance consists of eating disorder resulting from dancer`s diet, intake of drug, violence and causes of dance injury. It poses problems about mental and environmental factors to lead to deviance in direct connection with dancer`s physical, psychological and social health. Positive deviance is occurred by dancer`s overconformity in some case, and the birth of a new dance and artistic trend like dance performance breaking the mold of the existing idea or modern dance can serve as an example. As all the arts have done, dance`s positive deviance has constantly developed it. In conclusion, deviance is a negative word, but it contains a positive meaning, reformation and effort for dancing achievement.
Key Words
Deviant, Dance, Positive Deviance, Negative Deviance, Physical Deviance, Social Deviance
Effects of Trunk Muscle Strength Exercise and Deep Abdominal Muscle Stabilization Exercise on Oswewtry Disability, Abdominal Muscle Strength, and Deep Muscle Activity 체간근력운동과 심부근 안정화운동이 요통장애, 요부근력 및 심부근 활성화에 미치는 영향
Effects of Trunk Muscle Strength Exercise and Deep Abdominal Muscle Stabilization Exercise on Oswewtry Disability, Abdominal Muscle Strength, and Deep Muscle Activity 체간근력운동과 심부근 안정화운동이 요통장애, 요부근력 및 심부근 활성화에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of trunk muscle strength exercise and deep abdominal muscle stabilization exercise on Oswestry disability, abdominal muscle strength, and deep muscle activity. Sixteen participants who were suffering from low-back pain for at least 6 months were randomly divided into trunk muscle strength group (n=8) and stabilization exercise group (n=8). All of subjects participated in each 40~50minute exercise program 3 times per week for eight weeks. Oswestry disability Questionnaire significantly decreased and peak toque of trunk flexion significantly increased after 8 week exercise program. Peak toque of trunk extension significantly increased after 8 week exercise program and the interaction effect between group and time. During lumbar deep muscle contracted, the thickness of IO significantly increased and transversus abdominis showed the significant interaction effects between group and time. Also, they showed the difference variation between groups. Therefore, they didn`t show the differences between trunk muscle strength and stabilization exercise training except transversus abdominis thickness during lumbar deep muscle contraction. These results indicate that trunk muscle strength and stabilization exercise were effective for the stabilization of lumbar muscle.
Key Words
Low back pain, strength, stabilization, Transversus abdominis
The Effects of Exercise Rehabilitation Program during 12 weeks after ACL Reconstruction on the Function Index, Muscle Activation, and Agonist/ Ntagonist Ratio in the Knee Joint 전방십자인대 재건술 후 12주간 5단계 운동재활프로그램이 슬관절 기능지수, 근활성도, 주동근/길항근 비율에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Exercise Rehabilitation Program during 12 weeks after ACL Reconstruction on the Function Index, Muscle Activation, and Agonist/ Ntagonist Ratio in the Knee Joint 전방십자인대 재건술 후 12주간 5단계 운동재활프로그램이 슬관절 기능지수, 근활성도, 주동근/길항근 비율에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of 12-week rehabilitation training after ACL(anterior cruciate ligament) reconstruction on knee joint function index, muscle activation, and ANT/AGO(agonist/antagonist) ratio. As subjects, 20 people who underwent ACL reconstruction in the G Hospital due to isolated rupture of ACL by accidents or sports injury were divided into 10 people of rehabilitation training group and 10 people of control group(physical therapy group). Exercise rehabilitation program was conducted for the rehabilitation training group for 12 weeks, 90 minutes per day three times a week and only physical therapy was carried out for the control group. The results were as follows. 1) In the changes in knee joint function index was analyzed and it turned out that there is significant difference between the groups. 2) In the change in knee joint EMG, MVIC of lateral great muscle, vastus medialis, bicephalus femoris, semitendinous muscle was analyzed and as a result, there was a significant difference. 3) The change of ANT/AGO ratio was analyzed and it turned out no significant differences were not shown between the groups. In conclusion, applying the systematic rehabilitation training program to patients who underwent ACL reconstruction turned out to be effective for the improvement of muscle activation and knee joint function index and muscular strength.
Key Words
ACL(anterior cruciate Ligament) reconstruction, exercise rehabilitation program, knee joint function index, agonist/antagonist ratio
The Effects of PNF Exercise on Body Functions and Fall Efficacy of Elderly Women 고유수용성신경근촉진법이 여성노인의 신체기능 및 낙상효능감에 미치는 효과
김석환SeokHwanKim , 김동희DongHeeKim
52(2) 495-512, 2013
The Effects of PNF Exercise on Body Functions and Fall Efficacy of Elderly Women 고유수용성신경근촉진법이 여성노인의 신체기능 및 낙상효능감에 미치는 효과
김석환SeokHwanKim , 김동희DongHeeKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation(PNF) exercise on body functions (gait, balance, lower extremity power, and instrumental activities daily living) and fall efficacy of elderly women. This study applied PNF exercise in a fall prevention program in addition to fall prevention seminars to an experimental group of 18 subjects and applied only fall prevention seminars to a control group of 20 subjects. The PNF exercise consisted of three sessions per week for 12 weeks and fall prevention seminars were composed of three times educations(0th, 6th, and 12th week). As a result of statistical analyses, following conclusions were obtained. A 12-week PNF exercise significantly improved gait, balance, lower extremity, instrumental activities daily living functions and enhanced fall efficacy of elderly women. In conclusion, the PNF exercise in a fall prevention program was found to be effective to improve body functions(gait, balance, lower extremity power and instrumental activities daily living) and fall efficacy of elderly women.
Key Words
PNF, Elderly women, Body functions, Fall efficcacy
Effect of HSP-70, Indices of Muscle Damage and Pro-inflammatory Cytokine on Type of Recovery Treatment after Performing Submaximal Rowing Ergometer 최대하운동 후 다양한 회복방법이 HSP-70과 근 손상지표 및 염증성 사이토카인 발현에 미치는 영향
이성수SungSooLee , 소용석YongSeokSo
52(2) 513-521, 2013
Effect of HSP-70, Indices of Muscle Damage and Pro-inflammatory Cytokine on Type of Recovery Treatment after Performing Submaximal Rowing Ergometer 최대하운동 후 다양한 회복방법이 HSP-70과 근 손상지표 및 염증성 사이토카인 발현에 미치는 영향
이성수SungSooLee , 소용석YongSeokSo
The purpose of this study was to examine the effective recovery methods by comparatively analyzing a change in HSP-70, indices of muscle damage and pro-inflammatory cytokine among recovery methods through applying the land static recovery, aquatic dynamic recovery and cold water immersion recovery after sub maximal exercise using rowing ergometer. The tests were carried out over 3 times with the interval of 2 weeks as a repetitive experimental design within the same subjects(n=15). The results of all the studies and inspections are as followed: HSP-70 were significant differences in aquatic dynamic recovery and cold water immersion recovery. As comparing decrement in level blood CK, LDH and pro-inflamantory cytokine(IL-6, TNF-α, CRP) between after recovery-exercise treatment for 20 minutes in immediately after exercise and after submaximal exercise. The aquatic dynamic recovery and cold water immersion recovery showed the significantly lager decrement than static recovery. The results of this study suggest that water immersion recovery can be recommended as safe and effective method of muscle damage prevention and treatment.
Key Words
recovery, hsat shock protein 70, CK, LDH, IL-6, TNF-α, CRP
A Study on the Characteristic of the Bone Mineral Density and Biochemical Markers of Bone Metabolism in Wheelchair Basketball and Marathon Athletics 휠체어농구선수와 마라톤선수의 골밀도 및 골대사지표 특성 연구
홍대석DaeSeokHong , 남혜주HeaJooNam , 이준희JoonHeeLee
52(2) 523-530, 2013
A Study on the Characteristic of the Bone Mineral Density and Biochemical Markers of Bone Metabolism in Wheelchair Basketball and Marathon Athletics 휠체어농구선수와 마라톤선수의 골밀도 및 골대사지표 특성 연구
홍대석DaeSeokHong , 남혜주HeaJooNam , 이준희JoonHeeLee
The aim of this study was to investigate that wheelchair basketball and marathon athletics had effects on the prevention of osteoporosis in patients with spinal cord injury. Forty two participants spinal cord injured patients were participated in this research. In addition, participants were divided into two groups 14 wheelchair basketball players, 14 wheelchair marathoners. The bone mineral density and biochemical markers of bone metabolism of the femoral neck and the lumbar vertebra measured after filled in a questionnaire and consent form. The biochemical markers of bone metabolism examined DPD, NTx, BALP, ALP, PTH, and Ca. The result of this study is that the wheelchair basketball players of the lumber spine bone density were significantly shown higher than other groups. However, the femoral neck was explained no differences between the groups of athletes. Although the concentrations of DPD and NTx tended to be decreased with the wheelchair basketball players, there were no significant differences among the two groups. Moreover, the concentrations of BALP and ALP tended to be increased in the wheelchair basketball players. In conclusion, it can be considered that the frequent exercises of versatile ball sports prevent osteoporosis in a person with paraplegia.
Key Words
Spinal cord injury, Bone mineral density, Biochemical markers of bone metabolism
An Analysis of the Performance Kayak and Players between Hardshell and Inflatable kayak 하드셀 카약 보트와 공기주입식 카약 보트의 성능 비교 및 선수의 수행력 비교 분석
이종훈ChongHoonLee , 박용현YongHyunPark , 남기정KiJeongNam
52(2) 531-541, 2013
An Analysis of the Performance Kayak and Players between Hardshell and Inflatable kayak 하드셀 카약 보트와 공기주입식 카약 보트의 성능 비교 및 선수의 수행력 비교 분석
이종훈ChongHoonLee , 박용현YongHyunPark , 남기정KiJeongNam
The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences between hardshell and inflatable kayak by recording performance related variables during the kayak forward stroke motion. A total of 8 elite university kayak players were recruited to participate. The experiment was performed outdoors on a kayak while the kinematic three dimensional data and muscle activation was recorded and analyzed. Results show that there were significant differences between the stroke length, boat velocity for the hardshell and inflatable boat. But, for the other variables there were no significant differences. In conclusion, the inflatable kayak was faster than the hardshell kayak and the type of shell, either inflateable or hard, had no influence on the player`s performance variables.
Key Words
hardshell kayak, inflatable kayak, ROM
The Effects of Benefit Sought of Physical Activity Participation on Specialization of Sports Activity and Serious Leisure of Physically Disabilities 지체장애인의 생활체육 참여 추구편익이 스포츠 활동 전문화와 진지한 여가에 미치는 영향
박수경SooGyungPark , 이현수HyunSuLee
52(2) 543-555, 2013
The Effects of Benefit Sought of Physical Activity Participation on Specialization of Sports Activity and Serious Leisure of Physically Disabilities 지체장애인의 생활체육 참여 추구편익이 스포츠 활동 전문화와 진지한 여가에 미치는 영향
박수경SooGyungPark , 이현수HyunSuLee
The purpose of this study was to analyze effects between benefit sought of physical activity, specialization of sports activity and serious leisure. For measurement tools, the questionnaire was prepared with some modification and complementation based on questionnaire on benefit sought of Kim Gyeong Hee(2008), Kim Yong Man, et al(2007) and Cho Seong Gyun et al(2011), specialization of sports activity and recreation of Kim Gyeong Sik et al(2011), Lee Mun Jin and Hwang Seon Hwan(2011), Hwang Seon Hwan(2010a), serious leisure of Gould et al(2008) and Kim Mi Ryang(2009a). Frequency analysis, analysis of exploratory factor, reliability analysis and correlation analysis were conducted using PASW Ver. 18.0 Window Program; and structural equation model was conducted using AMOS Ver. 19.0 Program. Result of the study were described as follows: First, benefit of sports for all sought was found to have a significant influence on specialization of sport activities. Second, benefit of sports for all sought was found to have a significant influence on serious leisure. Third, specialization of sports activities was found to have a significant influence on serious leisure.
Key Words
benefit sought, specialization of sports activity, serious Leisure, physically disabilities
Preservice Physical Education Teacher`s Attitudes toward Inclusive Physical Education: Focused On Q methodology 통합체육에 대한 예비체육교사의 태도: Q방법론을 중심으로
김소형SoHyungKim , 이현수HyunSuLee
52(2) 557-568, 2013
Preservice Physical Education Teacher`s Attitudes toward Inclusive Physical Education: Focused On Q methodology 통합체육에 대한 예비체육교사의 태도: Q방법론을 중심으로
김소형SoHyungKim , 이현수HyunSuLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the preservice physical education teachers` attitude to inclusive physical education. Subjects for this study consisted of 33 undergraduate students who belonged to the department of physical education in P University. The Q-population cossisted of 85 statements to be collected out of which 38 Q-samples were selected. The result of Q-sorting were coded and analysed using QUANL pc program.
According to the research result, preservice physical education teachers` attitude to integrated physical education was drawn into five types(The eigen values of the five types of attitudes are 8.2, 4.5, 2.3, 1.8, and 1.5): the partial integration-seeking type(type 1), segregated education-seeking type(type 2), tolerant value-seeking type(type 3), right of learning-seeking type(type 4), and ethical value-seeking type(type 5). Through the characteristics of each of the five types, this study intends to provide foundational data to enhance preservice physical education teachers` positive attitude to integrated physical education in the actual field of physical education afterwards.
Characteristics and Usability of Physical Activity Measuring Tools for People with Disabilities : Systematic Literature Review 장애인 신체활동 측정도구의 특징과 유용성에 관한 체계적 문헌고찰
김대연DaeYeonKim , 한민규MinKyuHan
52(2) 569-580, 2013
Characteristics and Usability of Physical Activity Measuring Tools for People with Disabilities : Systematic Literature Review 장애인 신체활동 측정도구의 특징과 유용성에 관한 체계적 문헌고찰
김대연DaeYeonKim , 한민규MinKyuHan
This study is to identify the characteristics and capabilities of physical activity measuring tools used in the domestic researches targeting people with disabilities through systematic literature review. As a result of the literature review, it is found that, except for 50 researches that do not meet the purpose of this study, 10 researches were conducted using physical activity measuring tools targeting people with disabilities. It is found that the used measuring tools were self-report questionnaire, proxy-report, observation, and accelerometer were used. As a result of the examination on the type of disability, it is found that self-report questionnaire was only used for the physically challenged person and that self-report questionnaire, proxy-report, observation, and accelerometer were used for the mental retardation. To look into the usability of the used physical activity measuring tools, the possibilities of measure for the elements of physical activities such as type, time, frequency, and intensity and inactivity and other activities were confirmed. The result of this study can be used as providing information for activating the research topics related to physical activity for the handicapped and using basic material for the proper selection or development of tools.
Key Words
physical activity, measure tool, people with disabilities, systematic Literature review
Effects of Resveratrol on AMPK Activity and Mitochondria Biogenesis in Skeletal Muscle Cell Resveratrol이 근세포 내 AMPK 활성화와 미토콘드리아 생합성에 미치는 영향
정수련SuRyunJung , 김상현SangHewunKim , 김기진KiJinKim
52(2) 581-588, 2013
Effects of Resveratrol on AMPK Activity and Mitochondria Biogenesis in Skeletal Muscle Cell Resveratrol이 근세포 내 AMPK 활성화와 미토콘드리아 생합성에 미치는 영향
정수련SuRyunJung , 김상현SangHewunKim , 김기진KiJinKim
The purpose of this study to investigate the effects of resveratrol on AMPK activity and mitochondria biogenesis. C2C12 mouse myoblast cell were treated with 0, 5, 10, 20, 50 uM resveratrol (final concentration) for 16hr/day during 3 day. After treatment cells were harvested and analyzed. 3d resveratrol teat were significantly increase protein level of electron transfer chain enzyme and p-AMPK, pACC, PGC-1α. But at same concentration, Cytotoxicity was significantly increased and cell viability was significantly decreased. Therefore resveratrol increased mitochondria biogenesis bout this artificial effects induced by cytotoxicity.
The Effect of Acute Exercise and Powdered-Glasswort Ingestion on Anti-Oxidative Capacity and Anti-Apoptosis in STZ-induced Diabetic Rat 일회성운동과 함초분 첨가식이가 STZ-유도 당뇨흰쥐의 항산화능 및 세포사멸에 미치는 효과
The Effect of Acute Exercise and Powdered-Glasswort Ingestion on Anti-Oxidative Capacity and Anti-Apoptosis in STZ-induced Diabetic Rat 일회성운동과 함초분 첨가식이가 STZ-유도 당뇨흰쥐의 항산화능 및 세포사멸에 미치는 효과
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of glasswort-intake and acute exercise on the antioxidant capacity and anti-apoptosis in liver of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Thus, 4 different groups of 40 Sprague-Dawley male rats was raised with feed mixed with Salicornia herbacia. L. (SH) powder for 5 weeks. To adopt to acute swimming exercise, each group of rats went through a week`s period of adaptation in a pool, and 24 hours after the acute swimming exercise, sacrificed the rats to collect and analyze samples. Lipid peroxide increased due to the acute exercise, but it seemed to be suppressed by the rats` intake of SH powder. In the meantime, it was found that apoptosis was significantly suppressed in the SH-intake group. With the results above, it seems that taking in SH powder will help prevent various diabetic complications, especially for streptozotocin-induced diabetes and minimize reverse effects, such as lipid peroxide and apoptosis, caused by acute exercise.
Key Words
Salicornia herbacia L., anti-oxidant, anti-apoptosis, acute exercise, diabetic rat
Effects of Exercise Intensity on AMPK, GLUT-4, MCT-1 Expression and Insulin Sensitivity in Skeletal Muscle of Type 2 Diabetic Mice 운동강도가 2형 당뇨 쥐 골격근의 AMPK, GLUT-4, MCT-1 발현 및 인슐린 감수성에 미치는 영향
김연희YeonHeeKim , 윤진환JinHwanYoon , 김광찬KwangChanKim
52(2) 599-612, 2013
Effects of Exercise Intensity on AMPK, GLUT-4, MCT-1 Expression and Insulin Sensitivity in Skeletal Muscle of Type 2 Diabetic Mice 운동강도가 2형 당뇨 쥐 골격근의 AMPK, GLUT-4, MCT-1 발현 및 인슐린 감수성에 미치는 영향
김연희YeonHeeKim , 윤진환JinHwanYoon , 김광찬KwangChanKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of exercise intensity on AMPKα1/2, GLUT-4, MCT-1 expression and insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle of type 2 diabetic mice. The diabetic mice were divided into three groups: diabetic control group (DE-CON: n=10), diabetic high-intensity exercise group (DE-HE: n=10), and diabetic low-intensity exercise group (DE-HE: n=10). Mice were subjected to treadmill exercise (5 day/8 weeks). The results showed that there were significant differences (p<.05) among the groups in terms of AMPKα1/2, GLUT-4 and MCT-1 expression in the skeletal muscles, with the DE-CON and DE-HE groups showing lower expression levels compared to the DE-LE group. Two way repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyze the hyperglycemic clamp levels. Although the results of the analysis showed no significant differences in the blood glucose concentration among the groups, there were significant differences (p<.05) at 1 min, while there were significant differences in the insulin concentration at 0 min, 5 min, and 10 min. After the 8 weeks` treadmill exercise, the HOMA-IR of insulin resistance was measured. As a result, a tendency was found that the HOMA-IR of insulin resistance was significantly reduced in the DE-HE group, compared to the DE-LE group (p<.001). These results suggest that low-intensity exercise aid regulation glucose metabolism better than high-intensity exercise.
The Relationship or Developmental Trend between Locomotion Skill and Physical Fitness in Early Childhood: Based on 2, 3, 4, 5 years old 유아기 이동운동기술과 체력의 발달적 경향성과 관계: 만 2, 3, 4, 5세를 대상으로
김충일ChungIlKim , 이강이KangYiLee
52(2) 613-625, 2013
The Relationship or Developmental Trend between Locomotion Skill and Physical Fitness in Early Childhood: Based on 2, 3, 4, 5 years old 유아기 이동운동기술과 체력의 발달적 경향성과 관계: 만 2, 3, 4, 5세를 대상으로
김충일ChungIlKim , 이강이KangYiLee
The purposes of this study were to identify correlation between locomotion skills(Running, Hopping, Galloping, Leaping, Sliding, Horizontal Jumping) and physical fitness(Strength, Power, Flexibility, Endurance, Balance, Agility) in early childhood, and to examine the child developmental trend by age and gender. The subjects of this study were 214 children from 4 preschools in Seoul. To investigate purposes, the researcher took measurements of TGMD-Ⅱ and physical fitness. The findings of this study summarized as follows: First, locomotion skills did not show difference by gender except for leaping, and there is a significant difference by age excluding running. Second, the physical fitness excluding both balance and agility was different by gender, and had significant difference by age except for flexibility. Third, there was a correlation between locomotion skills and physical fitness except for flexibility and running. Lastly, the child capability had distinctive trend by age in both locomotion skills and physical fitness. These results mean that the preschool physical activity program should consider the level of difficulty by age and gender. Furthermore, physical activity program and assessment tool, which are based on fundamental movement skills, are more suitable to preschool years.